Biography of the Foursquare Add Profile page

Biography of the Foursquare photo

Foursquare today launched an additional feature for its users. That is a biographical feature that can be charged to their profile pages each. This biography limited to 160 characters and can be retrieved directly from the user's Twitter account.

 This is an initial step to be Foursquare social networking media to stand alone without Twitter or Facebook. Since the company has secured a loan of $ 50 million, Foursquare keeps adding new features such as restaurant recommendations. addition of a biography on the profile of this Foursquare help other users find brief information about the user.

On Twitter, most users of  following just want to hear something interesting and at Foursquare, users can follow the footsteps of people they follow . Foursquare continues to develop its application in order to keep the lead of similar applications are starting to bloom.
source teknoup
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