Getting a Google News + Google Integration

Getting a Google News + Google Integration
Google has quietly updated + Google and Google News, so both products have a better level of integration, making the news to the promotion of social networking easier. Although Google News already has the previous +1, a redesigned icons have been present today, by clicking the button you will be presented with a box for comments.

Box to be able to comment on this post like all Google +, set the visibility to the public or only to a few individuals alone, or circle that you have set the network said. You also can not comment at all and just give +1 to the news, as before.

This change represents the first example of Google's social strategy, a company incorporated in the social strategy, they try their best to integrate Google + to a variety of existing products. Earlier this month, senior vice president of engineering, Vic Gunditra that social networking is described as part of the strategy is better, removing the impression that social networking is a Google product fails.
source teknoup
Tag : Google

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