iSuppli: Apple iPad Production Cost New 16GB Wifi 316.05 Dollars

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Based on the calculation of iSuppli, Apple issued a fee of 316.05 dollars to create a new iPad wifi 16GB models. These tablets are sold at a price of 499 dollars in the United States so it can be calculated that the profit margin per unit by more than 50%. Meanwhile, for the 64GB variant of LTE, was sold for 829 dollars, Apple needs to cost of manufacture for 408.70 dollars. This means that Apple's profit margin on the tablet is greater than the first model.

The cost of Apple's new tablet manufacturing base is higher than the cost of making the Apple iPad 2, mainly because of the screen. However, Apple decided to sell it at a price equal to the sale of each unit profit margin is smaller than previous models. For example, the 16GB wifi for new iPad costs are 28% higher than before while the 32GB model LTE 9% higher than the cost of production of 3G 32GB iPad 2.
Apple profits swell to the upscale models because of the cost of NAND memory. The price difference between 16GB and 32GB NAND flash is 16.8 dollars, while Apple sells a $ 100 price difference.

Samsung as a major competitor Apple and enemies in court, it is a major supplier of components of the new iPad. Approximately 40% of new iPad components derived from the Korean manufacturers including LCD screens, processors A5X, and NAND memory. If Samsung also supplies the battery as iSuppli estimates the percentage of components from the new iPad Samsung approaching 50% of the entire component.
source teknoup

Tag : Apple

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