latest,Apple Will Implement the NFC on the iDevice

hello readers..Apple has just awarded a patent for a technique that uses chip technology called Near Field Communication (NFC) mobile payments to allow a user's iPhone when it approached the terminal to make payments. This patent defines how your payments are made ​​as well as an accompanying techniques, including some rules such as limits for payment.

How the permit is received by the vendor also explained the rules. if no rules are violated, the transaction is canceled and the account owner was warned. So will prevent a thief who uses her iPhone NFC to make purchases that are not allowed. In addition to explaining the rules, there is also interaction with iTunes. iTunes can allow users to view statements and warn when the user will spend more money than a predetermined limit. Apple has considered several patents for NFC technology and Mastercard who previously claimed to have support for mobile payments via NFC to every platform that uses NFC technology.

Tag : Apple

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