Action 'Pull to Refresh'
is a common gesture found in mobile applications such as application Twitter,
Facebook, Tweetbot, and others to perform certain commands (usually refresh).
But soon the possibility of this action will be increasingly rare to find if
Twitter was granted a patent by the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark
Loren Brichter has
documenting patent User Interface
Mechanics in 2010, when he was working for Tweetie (before it was acquired and
renamed by Twitter). The document reads:
A method, comprising:
displaying the content area to receive input related to the first command, the
first command that includes a request to scroll the content area, and based on
the first command, do the second command, the second command is independent of
the first order.
That's about the
definition of the action 'Pull to Refresh' who want to patent, not just focus
on the refresh command. If the patent is approved, Twitter will get all the
patents gesture similar to Pull action and not be limited to the actions taken
when doing the gesture. With the entry of this patent application will gesture,
hopefully in the future other companies are also not part of it tried to
trademark the other gestures such as tap, Swoop, Nudge, bump, circle, and the
other gesture. Because if it is successful, the user indirectly also to be
source teknoup
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