Apple iPad Test Medium 7.85 inch at the Lab?

ipad mini rumor photo
Many rumors are growing about the presence of the said mini iPad is likely to have a screen size of 7.85 inches. Actual revenues at the conference in 2010 , CEO of Apple at the time, Steve Jobs, has confirmed that the presence of 7-inch tablet size is not going to be, even he rejected the idea.

But after the emergence of similar size tablet, Kindle Fire, it seems Apple would have thought the idea was to restore the view with a smaller size would swallow the cost will be more limited. According to the news, now I'm trying out a tablet Apple small screen in his lab. But like many other devices that have been tested alias still a prototype, the presence of mini iPad to the market still can not be guaranteed to see how perfect Apple in developing a product.

Source teknoup
Tag : Apple, iPad

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