Phongsee a 55-year-old businessman from Bangkok gets a little surprise when his
cell phone exploded when he was in his shirt pocket.
said the reason he bought a Chinese mobile phone manufacturers because it is
cheap and the features that allow it to use up to three SIM cards at once. He
bought the phone about a year ago for around $ 97, and never had a problem
until this incident. He said that he was charging the phone as usual on the eve
of the next day the phones exploded. This explosion causes the shirt that he
used fire but Thanit very lucky he was not injured when the event.
stated that he would complain to companies that manufacture these phones, MTM.
A representative of MTM said they wanted to speak directly with Thanit, but the
company thinks that Thanit using non-original battery or let the phone in the
sun so that the phone is prone to overheating, and then exploded.
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