month we already know about the Sharp LCD purchase the shares of 46.5% by
Foxconn, but this time Apple is also apparently keen to follow the steps
Foxconn. According to information, news about the technology owned by Sharp
IGZO make Apple interested. Although it is still classified as a rumor, but
this kind of treatment may be performed by vendors from Cupertino is
considering the purchase will enable the supply for the next Apple product.
Sharp announced that it has begun production process technology IGZO (indium
gallium zinc oxide)-based LCD panel, which is said to be getting thinner and
consuming more power efficient than current LCD technology, LED-Blacklit. It
also said that Sharp will produce the size of the display panel for smart
phones and tablets, as well as larger screens for TV.
now I know of Sharp's LCD division is not profitable, but new technology is
expected to be a turning point. If it is true Apple is interested in doing
that, then Apple will secure their supply chain in the long run, and provide a
high standard that suppliers should still be maintained both in terms of labor
and production.
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