the steps RIM, Facebook, Google and Twitter are also likely to build their
servers in India. According to a report from the Hindustan Times, India's
government is currently looking for a solution that allows the technology giant
to build on their server in the country to continue to improve the regulation
of content. This may be a step to be taken if the tech giant does not want to
give India the authority that they want.
Singh, the secretary of state said his concern to w puberty U.S. secretary for
homeland security, Jane Holl Lute , in association with some of the content on
those sites that are considered inappropriate and suggested a procedure of
procedures such operations can directly remove content deemed inappropriate at
a specific time or as soon as possible depending on the conditions that arise.
Singh also said that if the site does not provide such authority, then India
would insist that the site of the company must set up and build a server in
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