Free Video Chat demonstrating Mozilla Plug-in in Firefox

Free Video Chat demonstrating Mozilla Plug-in in Firefox
Mozilla browser always wanted to be relied upon in various fields. Mozilla now want to change the way you use the internet with their Firefox browser products, by introducing a demo of video chat free plug-ins that lately the subject of experiments in Firefox. This function is coming build-in conjunction with a standard Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC), which is said to support the need for any plug-ins. WebRTC standard is still in draft status, but this is already supported by the majority of the other browser vendors. Google intervention is obvious here, where this technology came from Global IP Solutions, a company that Google acquired several years ago.

Anant Narayanan from Mozilla Labs developers hope to complete this feature in order to enter the main line soon, which is expected to be present in this build next month. Google has introduced some WebRTC features, including access to APIs camera, the Chrome developer channel. Just hope this can be quickly resolved by the developer so that we do not need to download the plug-in to be able to use the video chat feature in the browser.

source teknoup
Tag : browser

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