Google Android Not Worry about Low Income

Google Android Not Worry about Low Income
CEO of Google, Larry Page, said to be concerned about the lack of revenue generated by Android. It is known from the press conference first quarter financial statements of the company. When asked about Android strategy, which until now provided free of charge and only a slight advantage, Page said that Android development is more than just profit.

Page also said that the new OS will not appear so often that he hoped that Android is the OS that will spur innovation in that respect. Android also until recently regarded as a useful place to integrate the Google services that were increasingly growing, covers a retrieval system, social networking, etc..

Android itself to this widely used and adopted for the vendors and developers, where the operating system can be obtained free of charge. According to the Gartner report, so far Android mobile operating system is the most popular, with sales exceeding half a world of smart phone sales in quarter 3 last year.

source teknoup
Tag : android, Google

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