is the world's largest mobile phone market with a population of over 1.3
billion people. Cellular subscribers in China alone there are 988 million.
There, the Google Android mobile operating system is the most popular since
2011 last year, with a market share of 35 percent in less than a year.
Apparently that number has doubled to two-fold. According to International Analysis
research firm is located in Beijing, Android has 68 percent of smartphone
market share, more than double when compared to 33 percent in three quarters (9
months) before.
Although also popular iPhone, but Android is
available in various shapes and sizes, and do not forget to have a price range
of locally made very cheap to expensive large vendor-made so you could say
much more flexible than the iPhone for sale in the Bamboo Curtain country.
Apple's iPhone has 15 million users in China, but of course the numbers are not
what -what than a billion mobile phone users. Still China is the most important
market for Apple after the United States, according to Apple CEO Tim Cook
during his visit to the Foxconn factory last month. Naturally, because China
contributed more than 16 percent ($ 4.5 billion) to Apple's revenue in the
quarter four years ago. IPhone market share climbed from 4.1 percent in the
first quarter of 2011 to 5.7 percent in late 2011.
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