Microsoft Extends Challenge # Smoked ByWindowsPhone

SmokedByWindowsPhone photo
Despite having problems and sued some time ago for refusing to defeat with no apparent reason, Microsoft is rumored to extend Smoked By Windows Phone campaign in different areas. This contest had been scheduled to expire on 29 March and was extended to 5 April.

In extension of this time Microsoft offered little change presents. From now on only the100 people who were defeated (fumed) by Windows Phone that has the opportunity to obtain a Windows mobile phone for free. After that the next 500 people will receive $ 25gift card. 1000 dollars in prizes while the HP Folio 13 is available for those who can beat Windows Phone in this competition.
my phone just got smoke photo 
Of some information, Windows Phone many wins in numerous occasions in this challenge. Victory is defined as the access speed of the interface that Microsoft is prepared for this challenge is intended to demonstrate the capabilities of Windows Phone with single-core processors that can defeat a more powerful cell phone with dual-core processors.
source teknoup

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