New Release, 2000 User List to Instagram Every Minute

2000 User List to Instagram Every Minute photo
Once popular in the IOS user's presence in Android-Instagram also received a warm welcome. Even since it was released officially known, total Android users who have registered up to 2,000 people per minute! This was said by the CEO of Instagram, Kevin Systrom, where this Android users will join a community that already number 30 million Instagram.

Photo sharing applications is already freely available for download by users IOS since 2010. But its presence in the Android announcement is quite new, which is known only 1 month introduced a new version of Android. However there are already about 430,000 users are already lining up Android included in the application, so do not be too surprising if this application enrollment is booming.

Applications for the Android UI itself has the look and features similar to the version of IOS, just not the tilt-shift/blur. Application will allow users to search for photos of friends, a popular photo, or upload your own pictures. Instagram will be compatible with Android 2.2 and above. Unfortunately until now there has been compatible for the tablet.

source teknoup

Tag : instagram

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