Nokia Lumia 610 NFC Accidentally Visible to Public

Nokia Lumia 610 NFC Accidentally Visible to Public

Nokia Lumia 610  NFC is a smartphone another series of  original Lumia 610, its existence was confirmed today by accident. In Nokia's official YouTube page, there is a post that was uploaded to the official channels, but then quickly withdrawn again. Postings in the form of a promotional video featuring  Lumia 610 NFC is used to make payments via Mastercard PayPass, streaming music to speakers NFC technology, and for other activities that use the advantages of NFC technology.

Although Nokia Lumia 610 NFC has not been announced officially, but predicted the announcement will be done at the convention this Wima 2012 NFC in Monaco, where Nokia has been a sponsor. Our guess, the smartphone will be identical to the original Nokia Lumia 610 in the field of software and hardware only difference being the NFC technology. Details more details like price, availability is still unclear to this day.

source phonearena

Tag : lumia, Nokia

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