Nokia Lumia 800 in action As a Boarding Pass

Nokia Lumia 800 in action As a Boarding Pass
In addition to  Lumia 900, Lumia 800 also seem to gain a good name. Known over the first quarter of 2012 and then, the phone is busy discussed on social networks. Even on Twitter, nearly 79% who mentioned Lumia 800 is a positive comment.

Plus British Airways is on his campaign shows that smart phones can now be useful also as a boarding pass. Of course the smart phone British Airways designated for these ads is Lumia 800. Free advertising of this kind have always been obtained by a device that belongs to Apple.

British Airways alone application allows mobile users to check in, flight information, and allow it to buy tickets and seat upgrades. Application itself is not only present for Windows Phone Market, but can also be obtained free of charge on Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and BlackBerry App World.

source teknoup
Tag : lumia, Nokia

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