been in the rumor world long enough, Google Drive finally officially released a
few hours ago. This service will provide a free online file storage space 5GB
which can be increased up to 1 TB by paying a monthly fee.
Drive Interface-based Google Docs and the wearer will be able to collaborate
with others to work on documents, spreadsheets, presentations to. Collaboration
and sharing system is also supported by comments that will feature notification
if there is a new one.
current is present in versions of Windows and Mac OS X for computers and the
Android application for mobile devices. Meanwhile, the iPhone and iPad
applications will also soon get this, if you see information posted by Google.
the drive is installed, users will get a list of all documents from Google Docs
and all files in a specific folder on the computer. This file will also appear
in the list in mobile applications.
also pinned the search feature at the heart of its business so far into the
Drive. Users can search for files by keyword, file type, owner, and so on.
Drive can even recognize text from scanned documents using OCR technology, even
image recognition. For example, there are pictures of famous buildings like the
Colosseum, the Drive will be able to find the image when users search for it.
provides the option of adding storage to pay a monthly amount. For additional
25GB then the user must pay 2.49 dollars per month, 100 GB to pay 4.99 dollars
/ month, and 1 TB of 49.99 dollars / month. The bonus is that if users do
upgrade the amount of storage size in Gmail also will go up 25GB.
support the drive, Google also has to integrate it into other services such as
Google and Gmail +.Google also said that users will be able to share files from
Drive to Google + or attach them directly into Gmail. Google also has
collaborated with various other companies to integrate these services into
their products such as Wevideo, Aviary for editing the sound, until Hellofax
and Lucidchart.
application can be downloaded at the Google Store and Play via the web at
https://drive.google.com/start # home
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