The rivalry between
Google and Oracle continues. Monday by Judge Paul Grewal said the vendor is
undergoing trials to address these issues, but otherwise failed. Both vendors
are said to be deadlocked and will not try again completed negotiations on the
Android patent in peace. Android patent trial issues will be convened on 16
From both the vendor is
known that Oracle was the one who refuses to compromise on the issue. Although
it is now reducing the variety of copyright and patents that will be brought to
the trial, but Oracle still refuses to get royalties and more focused on
Android as well as enlarge the prohibition of payment products obtained. Others
with Oracle, Google itself hopes to avoid a ban on the circulation of their
products that would be very detrimental. Google itself also has removed the
trial to deny that it uses Java without a license in Android, with the presence
of an email from an executive who said they were aware of this license is
needed is more burdensome.
The experiment itself
will be divided into several parts, where to see the Google option in resolving
problems that Oracle violated the patent.
source teknoup
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