a poll recently conducted by a joint team of the Pew Internet and American Life
Project and Elon School of Communications, 1000 in the world of tech experts
asked to agree or not that the smartphone will replace the majority of both
cash and credit transactions in 2020. Although only 10 percent of users who
have used mobile phones to make transactions, 65 percent of 1000 people are
experts feel that in 2020 payments via NFC will be preferred and will exceed
the cash payments and credits.
contrast, a number of individuals who participated in the survey noted that
they felt that established businesses in the financial services industry will
resist the transition to the NFC and some consumers will be reluctant to make
mobile payments. Google Wallet is available, Apple is also rumored to be
working on its own mobile payment applications, it is likely that the doubts of
some people will only slow adaptation payment mobile, not stop it.
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