Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 will retails for $ 399 Only?

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 price photo

As we know, Samsung has recently announced the postponement of the launch of Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0) and Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1). The launch will be conducted both later this month in the UK before then spread to other regions. According to representatives of Samsung, this delay occurs because the necessary improvements so that Android 4.0 can run smoothly in each tablet.

The delay is apparently not known by either the Office Depot retail stores that a while ago was showing stock Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1) in his shop. Model with an 8GB capacity is provided by Office Depot at a price of 399.99 dollars, but unfortunately then disappear so that the product can not be ordered and paid for.

If it is true that the Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1) will have a price limit, this tablet will compete in the upper classes and against the new iPad with storage media and the speed is twice as large. While below that level there are 2 Amazon Kindle Fire which will be launched with about the same time in the United States.

Source teknoup
Tag : samsung, tablet

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