Want File Return, MegaUpload Users Ask a letter to the Court

Want File Return, MegaUpload Users Ask a letter to the Court 
MegaUpload storage sharing site has been closed since mid-January, but so far the data are uploaded to the site has not been removed. A man who claims to have a valid video file on that site to apply to the judge handling the case. He wants his files back.

Kyle Goodwin wants the video file again because he has business in film in college sports. Video is displayed at the company he created, some of which can be viewed via streaming.

Meanwhile, Goodwin addition to video backup hard drive in private he also put it in MegaUpload and recorded as a premium customer. In mid-January, his hard drive was damaged and when he tried to take back the video at MegaUpload site was already shut down the government.

Case law has also received support from the Electronic Frontier Foundation and is expected to begin trial in late April.
source teknoup
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