Windows 8, Windows 8 and Windows Pro RT Ready for Selected

Windows 8, Windows 8 and Windows Pro RT Ready for Selected
Microsoft has just announced that they will offer Windows 8 in the various versions of the operating system when it is present in the market. Looking at history, the Windows operating system is only offered in two versions, but this time you will be offered various versions that may get you confused.

Microsoft chose the name Windows 8 as the official name for the Windows edition x86/64, and tablet PCs as well as running 32bit and 64bit will be available with a choice of Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro, Pro version which offers the latest Windows Explorer, Task Manager, multi-monitor support better and the ability to change the language directly. For Windows version 8 Pro, specifically designed to help technology enthusiasts and business professional / technical to get all the features and advantages possessed by the Windows 8.

For users located in China, they will get Windows 8 with the local language only.
If you want better entertainment, "Windows Media Center 'will be available as an add-on media pack for Windows 8 Pro economically.
Last Windows RT (Runtime), also known as Windows on ARM or WOA. This issue will present a pre-installed on PCs and tablet which has an ARM processor, with the primary purpose of providing the best experience for users of Windows 8, but saving battery power consumption.

source teknoup
Tag : windows

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2 Comments for "Windows 8, Windows 8 and Windows Pro RT Ready for Selected"

wow!! hehe mcm dah skrg ni.. tp tak best certain window sy xleh nak install game hhuhu

eva...time kasih lawat blog kami

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