operating system has boosted Samsung became the number one smartphone in the
world. This operating system continues to grow in Southeast Asia and the region
accounts for half of all smartphone sales. Data reported by GfK Asia said that
sales of Android in Southeast Asia to control 49% of smartphone sales, or an
increase of 15% in the first quarter of 2012 when compared to the same quarter
in 2011. In the first quarter, the smartphone produced 2.4 million USD by the
number of units sold for 7.7 million.
all the countries of Southeast Asia, Indonesia has great potential and recorded
the highest sales."Indonesia is expected to become the largest smartphone
market in the region with a penetration rate of 62% and sales of more than 1.4
million USD in the last quarter," said Gerard Tan. 'Malaysia and Singapore
into the region with the deepest penetration rate 88%, "he added. price
Android devices that range from low-end level to high-end be the key to its
growth in Southeast Asia. Plus the pieces and bundling of service to help users
who want to have a high-end smartphone. GfK predicts smartphone with low prices
will continue to encourage this sector.
a relatively stable price range 309 USD will encourage the growth of this
industry, "said Tan. Although the market brought China, Japan and Korea,
Southeast Asia accounts for one tenth of the world's population with the
population of Indonesia is more than 240 million. Sales of smartphones are
expected to reach 163 million units per year in 2015, up from the year 2011
which amounted to 106 million units.
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