Features Video Chat, Hidden Messenger IOS Facebook Application

Features Video Chat, Hidden Messenger IOS Facebook Application 
Facebook video chat feature is powered by Skype, this feature has been available for all users up since the middle of last year. Until now, using video chat feature is limited to the computer via the Facebook site. But the Messenger Facebook application users (not the Facebook app) on IOS may not pay much attention to the codes that the video chat feature is already there in the application, it's just hidden.

As the leaked picture above is obtained from the site Techit (same source that gave Facebook Desktop Messenger leaked last year). Video chat capability is rumored to be available to all users in the months ahead. So far, these features will only be in private beta.

Along with this feature, users who frequently use the Facebook chat on the iPad no longer need third-party chat applications. Messenger application will soon be universal application. For current users who want to use the video chat feature between devices still have to use Skype services. And for Facebook, hope they also do something interesting (other than an increase in performance comes first) on the Facebook application before they make improvements in the Facebook Messenger.

source teknoup

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