iPad 2 New Production Using 32nm Chip, Making Increase Battery Life

iPad 2 New Production Using 32nm Chip, Making Increase Battery Life 
In the field of possible features and spec tablet Apple iPad 2 may seem to miss if you compare it with iPad 3. But with prices in the United States has now reached $ 399 would be the choice of many people.

Not only that, even if the price drops, Apple makes this tablet great IOS. wave of new production for the iPad 2 is now armed with the new 32nm chip from Apple A5, surpassed the previous iPad 2 production using 45nm chip A5. Smaller means more efficient batteries, and according to tests by AnandTech, there is increasing 15.8 percent for browsing, 29 percent to 18 percent for gaming and video playback.

The total addition of about battery endurance reaches 2 hours. problem you can not know if you buy 2 iPad use 32nm or 45nm chip. This new tablet called the iPad 2.4 but of course this is not the official name of Apple. The question is why Apple is replacing the 45nm to 32nm chips for tablet production while, in addition to pamper buyers? The answer might be to use the new chip, Apple gain experience making 32nm chips.

 The new chip is 40 percent smaller, using 30 percent less power and cheaper cost of manufacture, following the iPad 2, which dropped the price after the iPad 3 out. And maybe this new chip is a lesson for Apple's next iPhone.
Source teknoup
Tag : Apple, iPad

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