Dev Team Absinthe last night announced the release of 2.0, which offers users
the ability to jailbreak a device running IOS IOS 5.1.1, including the iPad 3,
without requiring the device to tether the computer to boot (untethered
jailbreak). Jailbreak process allows users to run third party applications and
hacks which are not allowed by Apple.
Absinthe 2.0 only works on IOS 5.1.1 and able
to jailbreak all models except the iPad 2 16GB iPad revised version which uses
32nm chip A5, but compatibility with The device is scheduled to be added. For
iPhone, Absinthe 2.0 capable to jailbreak all of the iPhone 3G to 4S, as well
as iPod Touch generation 3 and 4. Absinthe 2.0 (now just updated to 2.0.1) is
available for OS X , Windows and Linux . Users who already jailbreak 5.1.1 IOS
device can tether them with the option to use Rocky Racoon untether Package
5.1.1 is available in Cydia.
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