Ainol Android, Imitation of Samsung Galaxy Note

Ainol Android, Imitation of Samsung Galaxy Note 
You may often to see the iPhone and BlackBerry imitation Made in China, but it seems this is the first Samsung Galaxy Note made ​​imitation by domestic producers in the Bamboo Curtain.

Emerging PC Show 2012 Singapore, phones from vendors Ainol is named Android and priced 279 Singapore dollars.

Ainol Android is already using ICS Android 4.0, 5-inch WVGA display (1280x800 Note Galaxy 5.3 inches), 2500 mAh battery (same as the Note), and even a TV tuner and dual-SIM capabilities. Inter face seemed inspired by HTC Sense, with 3D effect when sweeping the Home screen. For those of you who might be interested in any importer who will sell it here, since Ainol is often imported into Indonesia, from the Portable Multimedia Player until the Android tablet and is known for his ability to play all type of multimedia file full HD video even though, at an affordable price.

source teknoup
Tag : android, Galaxy

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