Android Ice Cream Sandwich was Popular, Gingebread Still Survive

Android Ice Cream Sandwich was Popular, Gingebread Still Survive 
Based on data from the Android developer blog, 7.1% of all Android devices already using the latest operating system Ice Cream Sandwich, this figure increased by 2.2% in one month (May 4.5%). This increase is due to the many newly released Android smartphone operating system such as Ice Cream Sandwich HTC X One, One S, One V, Samsung Galaxy S III, Galaxy Tab 2, and LG Optimus L7.

With so many devices and update the rolling ICS did not reduce the portion of Gingerbread OS, the operating system software that has a total of 65% or an increase of approximately 0.6% from the previous. Froyo still have a pretty good portion of that is equal to 19.1%. While the Cupcake, Donut, Eclair and scarce, and only three have a combined share of 6.1%. In addition Honeycomb tablet is also devoted to the numbers began to decline to 2.7% down from 3.4%.

Ice Cream Sandwich on the rise and with it this month it seems we will likely see the latest operating system from the Jelly Bean Android at the Google I / O.
source teknoup

Tag : android

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