Leaked Pictures of BBM for Blackberry 10

Leaked Pictures of BBM for Blackberry 10 
What you guys see on the main image on the display are the latest leaked BlackBerry Messenger (BBM)on latest BlackBerry 10. The leaked was first circulated by gadget site N4BB who have managed to get it from an undisclosed source.

This gadget site also notes that the new fuel will have a darker theme and mix of colors that can save the phone battery life by 25%. Optimization of the use of batteries is also obtained from the use of OLED screens on a BlackBerry cell phone that will total 10 can save up to 75% battery consumption.
BBM for Blackberry 10 image 
Previously N4BB also has leaks on the BlackBerry 10 device to be present, the BlackBerry L-Series (full-touch screen) and N-Series (with physical keyboard).
Source teknoup

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