show off a device with the tagline '5 .0 World's First Mobile Inch FHD ' . LG
latest work displays a screen measuring 5 inches with Full HD resolution (1920
x 1080), 16:9 aspect ratio and density of 440ppi, also uses Advanced High
Performance In-Panel Switching (AH-IPS).
device is not paired with a smartphone or other device, and rumored to be the
first mobile phone that gives full HDTV quality. Not much work unearthed
information about this tool. However, Dr. Byeong-Koo Kim, vice president of IT
and Mobile Development provides some information on the LG screen:
- This 5-inch screen FHD has worked since the first half of 2011, and will be sold later this year
- Devices with 5-inch screen is very popular in China, Japan and Korea. With the quality of HDTV, Dr Kim predicts consumers around the world will choose a larger screen format
- Currently consumers in the United States seems to have attracted to the screen size of 4 inches
- Dr. Kim believes that the smartphone will be greater later on, with mast more than 5 inches, plus HD content that was beginning to many
- This screen is designed for smartphones, it could be used on the LG Vu 2 or other devices (such as information systems in the car)
- AH-IPS is a technology that produces a wider perspective, more compact, readable outdoors and have a characteristic color
- LG screen will be focused on full HD products further
- Other technologies planned for Dr. Kim is a flexible OLED screen
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