all know that Apple is very proud of their product designs, and are most
visible in the design, there are small details that remain unnoticed by Apple.
Now we will inform you the unique appearance in the IOS 6 which comes with
metallic effect. Not only that, the metallic slider are present in IOS 6 has a
dynamic reflection depending on which direction you move the device. Looks
awesome indeed.
a little thing that you might not realize to concern and if no one had told
you. Of course, this kind of thing makes you wonder, little things like this
only Apple can do it, why do not they make something like a widget, or a sound
profile that feels more important and useful.
in metallic buttons may also make you ask if Apple is more concerned with
appearance than performance of the system. Because if you're doing a process in
background, speed can be reduced when you move your device, because it takes
energy (though small) for processing in accordance with the effects of the
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