Razr Maxx Get rid of the iPhone from Verizon Order Highest Rating

Razr Maxx Get rid of the iPhone from Verizon Order Highest Rating 
It seems the era of the leadership of the iPhone as the best selling mobile phones have started to erode, at least on Verizon. It is known from an analyst, Anil Doradla, who said in a note to investors that the iPhone currently does still survive as a cell phone the most sold in AT & T and Sprint, but the Droid Motorola Razr Maxx taking place at Verizon.

 It is said that this was because the operator was very aggressive in campaigning that 4G LTE phones with. Perhaps you guys certainly never heard of the sales team Verizon a more direct users to the Galaxy or the RAZR mobile phone than the iPhone Nexus. It is said that the sales team always showed deficiencies in the iPhone 4G LTE network. For information, Galaxy Nexus under iPhone ranks third in the ranking of the most sold phones on Verizon.
source teknoup
Tag : iPhone, motorola

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