Samsung Build a New Social Networking Sites To Compete with Facebook

Samsung Build a New Social Networking Sites To Compete with Facebook
According to a report from the Korea Times, Samsung is preparing to enter the field of social network starting next year and will launch its services as a rival to Facebook. Samsung revealed that they already have a design framework which will focus on photo sharing service, messages, and events. The name for this new social networking site yet to be named, but is planned to be available early in the first quarter of 2013. 

Users will be able to connect to social networking sites through web-based devices, including smartphones, tablet, camera, blue-ray player and TV. Korea Times also reported that the internal code name for this project called '' Facebook'' Samsung , although it may not be the name that will be used later, but it was clear that it aims to rival Facebook, which now number close to 1 billion users.

'' The goal is to expand our social media service across different devices, from different companies, and on different mobile platforms. That includes cameras, televisions and blue-ray player. We are confident that this service will become popular globally'', said the news source.

The number of social networking sites that have been widely recognized as Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn, and others, seems to be a major challenge for the Samsung that will be a new player in the field of social networking.

via teknoup

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