what happened to internet in one minutes?

world internet user

The development of the internet faster and faster, vibrant and growing rapidly in terms of use. For example, when you do a Google search, in the same minute you do it together 2 million people with other Google users. Facebook receives more than 1 million users content in less than 2 minutes. While the 10 minute there are 1 million chirp of the Twitter users. These are some of the data collected by Domo.com about what happens in one minute in cyberspace. For more details you can see the image above.
  • Email users send more than 204 million messages
  • YouTube users upload 48 hours of video
  • 684 thousand Facebook users to share content
  • Twitter users send 100 thousand tweet
  • Consumers spend $ 272 thousand in online transactions
  • 47 thousand applications downloaded from Apple
  • Tumblr users share 27 thousand new post
  • Instagram users to share  3600 new photos 
  • 2000 Foursquare users to check-in
  • Wordpress users to publish 350 posts on their blog
source teknoup

Tag : internet

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