Why iPhone get High Sales in the United States?

iPhone get High Sales in the United States photo 
Benedict Evans of Enders analyst has reached a conclusion about why the Apple iPhone and be able to dominate the behavior of nearly half of smartphone sales in the United States through the service there in the first quarter of this year, while overseas sales is only half of Android sales. In the first quarter of this year, 18 million smartphones were sold through carriers in the U.S. and 8.6 million are new smartphone users.

Figures from the Ender showed that in Q1, iPhone mastered half the sales. AT & T operator or almost 80 percent of total sales is the iPhone. In the United States, the iPhone 4S is usually priced at $ 200 with 2 year contract worth $ 80 per month. So that the money used (Total Cost of Ownership / TCO) to have the iPhone 4S in the U.S. is $ 200 + $ 1920 = $ 2120. While TCO for mobile phones with free deposit (cheapest) $ 1920 there.

In the UK, 4S iPhone TCO is $ 998 while the cheapest smartphone has a TCO is only $ 384. That is, buyers in the UK spend more money $ 600 for the cheapest mobile phone contract than the iPhone, while buyers in the U.S. spend only $ 200 more expensive than the cheapest cell phone and had to bring the iPhone 4S. This is why Apple's latest smartphone could be the hottest gadget in the land of Uncle Sam.
Other points raised Evans is almost half of all U.S. mobile users are still using feature phone. This market gap that must be utilized in the smartphone vendors to sell their products.

Source teknoup

Tag : Apple, iPhone

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