Microsoft Claims Get Royalties of 70% of Android Devices

Microsoft Claims Get Royalties of 70% of Android Devices
Two Android is the future of manufacturing must pay royalties to Microsoft if the parties do not want their products end up in court, Aluratek and Coby Electronics.

The merger of the two vendors with many other vendors are quite a lot to contribute in the form of royalties to the Microsoft. Even rumored that the current Microsoft has managed to collect royalties almost as much as 70% of the total number of Android devices.

Aluratek is a company known for their Android tablet, similar to that in addition to producing Coby Androud tablet netbook and TV as well. These royalties they have to pay for claims that Microsoft's current OS Android and Chrome OS also violates their patent, the patent is still a mystery because the Microsoft has not revealed whether the patent in question.

However, most vendors do not want to take risks to fight openly in court with Microsoft, also spent a lot of fund.
source teknoup

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