those who is difficult to communicate with friends or colleagues who use the
IOS device or a Mac because it does not have iMessage feature, now it is no
longer disturbing.
are at least looking for non Mac users / IOS to use and communicate with the
user iMessage Mac / IOS, which uses an application called mysms . This
application has actually been launched earlier this year in Europe but has just
provided worldwide.
advantages of this application is not necessary to use proprietary messaging
format, which means users will be able to send text messages to other users who
do not even use mysms applications.
application can be used for the IOS device users, Android, Mac, Windows,
Facebook, Chrome, and the HTML application. As for the new Windows Phone device
users will get it at the end of 2012.Unfortunately for BlackBerry users will
not miss a word on whether or not this application.
source Ubergizmo
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