Olympics 2012 in London,Galaxy S III Used For Hotel Room Key and TV Remote

Olympics 2012 in London,Galaxy S III Used For Hotel Room Key and TV Remote 
Lock hotel rooms are generally in the form of physical keys made of metal, or the same as in general we know. But there are some also who changed the locks with a more modern, ie, with an electronic card. But with technological developments, hotel room keys can now use a smartphone Samsung Galaxy S III.

In the 2012 Olympics begin, Galaxy S III could used to unlock Statford City London hotel room. Hotels in the region provides 40 rooms with VIP access to the Galaxy S III.

This is possible because the unique way of using the Android app Holiday Inn. In addition to the key room, visitors can also use it as a TV remote, lights, and air conditioning. The prepared smartphone also can be used to book other hotel services. Not to forget the visitors will get updated news about the 2012 Olympics.

source Samsung
Tag : Galaxy, samsung, tv
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