Opera: IOS is the Most Effective Platform for Mobile Ad

Opera: IOS is the Most Effective Platform for Mobile Ad 
Opera Software, maker of the popular Opera browser, has released its report State of Mobile Advertising. According to the report, Apple's IOS is the most effective platform in terms of mobile advertising. During the second quarter IOS obtain CPM (revenue earned advertisers for 1000 impressions gained an ad) for $ 2.85.

Android is in second place with earnings of $ 2.10 an advertiser for 1000 impressions. While competitors Android and IOS that RIM, Symbian and BlackBerry are exhausted in terms of CPM. RIM only scored 0.64, while Symbian and Windows Phone 0.20 0.59.

Apple iPhone has the largest share of mobile advertising, the revenue recorded 43.54 percent and 29.88 percent of traffic. Android has a revenue of 26.56 percent and 24.43 traffic. The most profitable devices is the Apple iPad tablet with a $ 3.96 CPM.

United States is the country most favorable to the distribution of mobile advertising by 73 percent and the average CPM reached $ 1.98 while in the global CPM got average is $ 1.90.Opera is the perfect company for mobile advertising statistics because they have 35 billion ad impressions per month.
statistic of revenue photo
origin source teknoup

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