IPhone 5 Front Panel Appear Again, Now More Sure

IPhone 5 Front Panel Appear Again, Now More Sure
The sixth generation Apple will soon be introduced in a matter of a few weeks ahead. Increasingly approaching day now a front screen panel mobile leak-called 'iPhone 5' is show up more clearly.

As sourced from outside the gadget sites UBREAKIFIX.com , the picture shows the screen of the iPhone that is now bigger measuring 4 inches. The front screen panel component is believed to have finished will be used in the next generation iPhone will also support 4G LTE networks, NFC, and only has a thickness of 7.6 mm.

September 12 has become the date of announcement of the iPhone 5 to the public and available in  market will begin on September 21. Let's just wait it guys.

source ubreakifix
Tag : iPhone, screen

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