Mozilla Removing Firefox Home Application for iOS

Mozilla Removing Firefox Home Application for iOS
A few years ago, Mozilla wants to bring Firefox to iOS, but unfortunately it sank before the ambitious project materialize. The company got a hitch, that Apple rejected the application to use the compiler and interpreter application developers, which means that all browsers should use the present in iOS WebKit libraries as used Safari. That's why Mozilla developed Firefox Home app, so Firefox users can still take part of the experience of Firefox on their iOS devices.

This application serves to synchronize the active tab and bookmarks with the desktop version of Firefox, both on Windows, Mac, or Linux. In a recent blog post, Mozilla clarified that they are now focusing to other projects as the reason for removing the application Firefox Home on the Apple App Store. But Mozilla is committed to finding the best way to provide the best experience to iOS users.

Fortunately there are other ways to sync Firefox bookmarks from iOS. There are still some other browser that supports Firefox Sync as 360 Web Browser, Browser and iCab Mobile Apollo. Mozilla kind enough to provide the source code on GitHub , so other developers can resume increasing technological power of the applications that have been retired.

source  Neowin

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