a year ago showing a product-based Windows 8 Developer Preview version at
Microsoft BUILD 2011 conference, Samsung now looks ready to display the results
of the finished product. This information was obtained from a video teaser has
been release a new notebook on the Youtube site.
this teaser video, Samsung showed a picture of a notebook that looks sleek and
attractive. In the video seen animation that focuses on the theme of Leonardo
Da Vinci on the chain and clock. There are also shown some black cube that
rotates and each combination. Samsung said that the product is the latest
innovation of Windows 8. Unfortunately the video does not mention any
innovation therein, and no information on when these products will be
Samsung, some parties are also known to have given little guidance on Windows
8-based products that they provide. Lenovo has shown little picture IdeaPad
Yoga which is a hybrid notebook-laptop product. While Asus is also known is
preparing the 600 tablet-latest based operating system made by Microsoft .
by Neowin via The Verge
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