New American-made World's Fastest Supercomputers named Titan

New American-made World's Fastest Supercomputers named Titan

In the fight's fastest supercomputer, a new American-made supercomputer named Titan has won the top spot.

Titan is worth $ 100 million this got to number 1 in the list of 500 fastest supercomputers are able to record 17 599 petaflops per second. XK7 Cray supercomputer systems based on Oak Ridge National Laboratory Tenesse, jump over the previous holder of this position Sequoia supercomputer at Lawrence Livermore national Laboratory California.

Here the list of ranking the top five supercomputers in the world:

  1. Titan XK47 Cray at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (17:59 petaflops / second)
  2. Sequoia BlueGene / Q at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (16:33 petaflops / second)
  3. K computer Fujitsu at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, Kobe, Japan (10:51 petaflops / second)
  4. Computer Mira BlueGene / Q at Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Ill. (8:16 petaflops / second)
  5. Computers JUQUEEN BlueGene / Q at the Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany. (4.14 petaflops / second)

Previous supercomputer made in America was eliminated by Chinese-made supercomputer Tianhe-1A and K computer Fujitsu in 2009, but then again ranked first in 2012 with the birth of this Sequoia.

Actually Sequoia computer core more from Titan, which is 1,572,864 versus 560,640, but not all of the core is balanced. Titan get a 90% performance of the 261 632 new accelerator core NVIDIA K20x.

Titan uses a new accelerator Tesla K20x to get 2142.77 megaflops per watt of energy, enough to bring the Titans to the first rank in the Green500 list of the most energy-efficient supercomputers.

origin source by Mashable

Tag : computer, new
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