Sony Stops Production of Walkman Cassette

Sony Stops Production of Walkman Cassette

After 33 years, finally Sony stop production of its line of Walkman Cassette. Until just before the announcement made,Sony was still producing Walkman which using cassette as a medium to play songs.

Three devices were discontinued, TCM-400, TCM 410 and TCM-450 apparently is not available in other parts of the world other than Japan. It's not the end of the music tapes, Sony and several other manufacturers are continuing production and boombox tape deck, though it seems no longer likely to end up the same.

Tapes are very popular along with the popularity the Walkman which is legendary Sony products, but Audio CDs and MP3 is somewhat superior to cassette. Even so in case you want "memories" with songs recorded manually into compilation tracks, clearing the tangled tape and so on.

origin source by  CNET
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