ZeroLemon Prepare 7.000mAh Battery for Samsung Galaxy S III

ZeroLemon Prepare 7.000mAh Battery for Samsung Galaxy S III

Battery is one of the most important components in a mobile device. Through the large capacity of battery, mobile devices can be used in a long time. Typically, a mobile device such as a battery of smartphone powered around 1.600mAh to 3.500mAh as Lenovo P770i. Well, what will happen if a smartphone powered by the battery capacity of 7.000mAh?

Collected from Android Police, a company called ZeroLemon making smartphone accessories purports battery (extended battery) for Samsung Galaxy S III. Unmitigated, these batteries have a capacity equivalent to the range of tablet devices, namely 7.000mAh. This means capacity of the battery is more than 3 times the battery capacity of original Galaxy S III, which had a capacity 2.100mAh.

Price as big as $ 33.99, making the battery from ZeroLemon Galaxy S III looks bigger in the back. In sale packet, ZeroLemon say this battery is implanted NFC and similar protective softcase added to the jumbo battery pack with Galaxy S III body.

zerolemon battery

origin source teknoup
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