Smart Spectacles Will Sell 10 Million Units In 2018

Smart Glasses Will Sell 10 Million Units In 2018
Although current technologies such as wearable smart watches, sunglasses and so smart deemed not necessary, but analysts dare to predict that one day these devices will begin to explode sales. Juniper Research believes that by 2018, smart spectacles such as Google Glass will achieve annual sales to 10 million units per year. Still in the development stage, this year Google Glass only sold 87 thousand units.

In order to achieve the status of smart sunglasses sells, Nitin bhas from Juniper said that the wearable device should combine the functionality and ease of use is intuitive, as well as providing shade to the public how these products can be combined perfectly in the daily lives of users. So vendors must strive to make the device more attractive again.

origin source by BGR and teknoup
Tag : glass, Google, sell, smart

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