Smartphones will be first place in 2015

Smartphones will be first place in 2015

Smartphones will be first place in 2015

As we know smartphones still be our priority in our life routines. Jurgen Boyny, global director of consumer electronics GFK Retails said, the declining of smartphones price will be the best result for demand of smartphones this year. Speaking at IFA "Price dropping" and "Smartphones are still a major driver of the digital market".

Boyny said that they expect the smartphones market to grow by 1.5% in this year to $859.12 billion, up from $846.07 billion from last year. While Middle East and Africa will see a 6% growth (the largest) in smartphone sales, US will witness a modest 3% growth. Therefore, there will be a 2% decline in smartphone sales in Europe in 2015.

Smartphones will be the best consumer electrics item this year compared to other devices.
He also said that a total of around 114 million wearables will be sold in this year. Could you imagine a day without a smartphone?
via gsmarena

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