The Best Smartphones for Selfies Hpmurah2u 12:42 PM 0 comments Selfies seem to be a fad that refuses to die out. While people had hoped that this was just a phase, the youth and smartphone companies ...
4 apps you need in 2015 Hpmurah2u 5:40 PM 2 comments According to recent statistics, Google offers an amazing 1 million applications to users. Out of these some of the apps have been marked...
The Best Android Games 2015 Hpmurah2u 1:27 PM 0 comments Sometimes, you only get what you pay for in the sense that you get some good games for money. You can find several fantastic games on ...
Samsung tablets history Hpmurah2u 10:09 AM 2 comments Samsung has been one of the pioneers of the tablet PC industry ever since it launched its first product in 2010. Prior to that, it was A...
Oppo R7 Plus vs Oppo R7 Hpmurah2u 2:06 PM 0 comments Oppo R7 Plus vs Oppo R7 Oppo R7 Plus Oppo R7 SCREEN 5.9 inches SCREEN 5.2 inches RESOLUTI...
Full Specs Vodafone Smart first 6 Hpmurah2u 1:18 PM 0 comments Black & White Full Specifications Vodafone Smart first 6 Important Specs Screen 4.0 inches Resolution 48...