How To Make a CCTV System From Our Phone

How To Make a CCTV System From Our Phone

How To Make a CCTV System From Our Phone

First of all, i would to advise to you guys, i am writing  how to make a CCTV from our phone is for good intention such as capturing a housebreaker entering your house. These ways is already pop up in many blogs. 
There are a few tools to run this CCTV System from your phone:

1. Your phone ( make sure it is a smartphone )
2. A computer that has been installed a VLC Media Player software. ( Mostly we use to watch videos)
3. IP Webcam app ( you might download it from PlayStore
4. Internet connection


1. Please download IP Webcam app from PlayStore
ip webcam

2. After download the IP Webcam
  • Open the software
  • Go to the Start server to start CCTV works
You will get into like this
ip webcam running

3. Write down the IP address shown on the paper. It is use to place that address into VLC Player for connection between phone and computer.

4. Launch your VLC Media Player on your computer

  • Go to Media 
  • Click on Open Network Stream and will pop up 
vlc connect to ip webcam

Click on Network and type the IP address that shown on your mobile

 You will advised to type /video ahead of the address

Finally the VLC Media Player will fully connected with your phone :)
ip webcam connected with vlc

You can change the speed of the video by clicking Playback on the VLC Media Player and choose speed. Done.

If you want to watch the video for entire day, make sure the charger of your phone has plugged in.

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