will Immediately Closed will Immediately Closed 
This week the Taiwanese manufacturer, HTC provides information to users about services for mobile data to be closed later on April 30. Until now the special services available to users of HTC phones, but somehow now the users of these services are encouraged to save their data stored within a month prior to the closure and removal of data services. HTC will be the closure of the reasons these services is to prepare a new and better services to users.

For those who use the HTC and use service, maybe you can take steps like this to save your data a few months ago.

    1. Visit the website
    2. Log in with your username and password
    3. Click the Download button on the Account Overview
    4. A file format. Zip will download to your computer

HTC recommends users to visit Google's Play for use as needed so that applications can work with data that has been previously downloaded backup.
source teknoup
Tag : HTC

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